Full Moon in HDR

This is the Worm Moon I shot from my backyard. This 'mineral moon' image is a composite of 3 images - the mineral moon, the stars and the glow!

Did you know the moon is not really all-gray and white? This is because our eyes can only see a part of the light's wavelength (visible spectrum). A few million years ago, the moon had a surface layer of magma which crystallized into Titanium- the blue areas. The orangish areas are caused by Iron oxides.

Moon's surface is heavily pockmarked with dozens of craters, since it does not have an atmosphere shield to protect it from meteor impacts. The distinct spot on the bottom is Tacho, a 53 mile impact crater created about 100 million years ago. The rays of material radiating from the crater across the lunar surface bears testimony to the sheer power of this impact. The absence of tectonic activities, winds, or any normal "disturbances" has preserved these crazy patterns so well!!

Equipment :

Mount  - SkyWatcher EQ6R Pro

Telescope - Orion 115mm EDT

Camera - Nikon D5500


Shutter Speed  - 1/1000 s for full moon, 1/5 s for the glow, 5s for the stars

Integration - 200 images for the Moon, 10 images for the glow, single image for the stars

ISO - 200

Bortle Scale - 7

Software  - PIxInsight, Photoshop
